Monday, February 18, 2013

The Fridge / Freezer - FREEZER!

Here is the second part of the fridge/freezer organization!

The freezer!

I hardly ever USE the freezer because it was so bad.  I had NO idea what was in there, although ice cream is always accessible on the top shelf.

I see hot dogs and french fries... and random junk. 

Here is the before!

Here is the after!

I used the Tupperware that comes with sandwich meat to put in the doors.  They fit perfectly and this keeps everything from popping out. 

You may have noticed in the before picture I froze Hostess products. I went a bit crazy when they closed and bought a few boxes of what I could get my hands on.  I then got them home and my husband was like, these expire in 2 weeks.  Damn.  But lucky the hostess website had freezer instructions. 

So in my first two door shelves I have the hostess products. Out side the box they sure do take up a lot less room. The middle one I left the Tupperware out of so it could fit a ice cream container.

On the top shelf of the freezer I have two ice trays, a luxury I could not fit before.  I bought these two beauties from the dollar store and they work great.  When completely frozen they can be stacked on top of each other. 

The shelves below I used three totes I purchased from the dollar store as well. They each have their own contents and enough room on the side for extras.  I put the kid friendly contents together,  frozen veggies together, and my potatoes together.  

The bottom drawer has meat from the butcher.  I am not sure how to do this any better just yet. I really want those moved out to the freezer in the garage. 

This whole fridge make over cost me 5 dollars. I did reuse the Tupperware I had! Its great to use what you have on hand. I am loving the beautiful colors I have picked up from the dollar store.  Again, the dollar store keeps up with the color scheme of the season, so if you like color...Pick these up now!

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